Legendary Herbs

"The most powerful herbs, that can kill the minor cuts and heal the worst."
"The rarest herbs of all, found in sacred caves. Medicine cats may have a warrior with them at all times in these caves."

Dandelion Mist ~ Found in Twilight Woods (near Fourtrees)
Ashfur has 34 Dandelion Mist
Tulip Gardenia Hybrid Petals ~ Found in The Pointed Stones
Ashfur has 1 Tulip Gardenia Hypid Petals
Needed ~12
Shadow Lime Juice ~ Found in red limes (near BloodClan territory)
Ashfur has 18 Shadow Lime Juice
Needed~ 21

Golden Hay Bark ~ Found in Barley's Farm
Ashfur has 9 Golden Hay Bark

1 comment:

  1. I have called a Clan meeting (made a post) about this and have told the Clan that you need one warrior to go with you to find the rest of the herbs. Please do whatever you can!

